At TREF, we have partnered with two professional designers and a furniture store owner. With their assistance, we can provide our Sellers with great staging tips that help your home faster and for more money. Below is some of the best advice for getting your home ready to sell.
Remove unnecessary furniture.
Remove rugs that create small and intimate spaces to show off floors and create a larger feel.
Pack up knick-knacks to eliminate clutter, but also to keep precious collectibles safe.
While removing clutter, secure weapons. Lots of Buyers bring small children along and cannot see the property and constantly watch children, so be safe and secure any guns or knives.
Using lamps is less harsh on the eyes than overhead lighting.
Painting the inside of your fireplace with black high heat paint will make it look larger and clean.
Depersonalizing the home can make it feel unwelcoming, but removing too many personalized items will make it less cluttered.
Do NOT use heavy scents, try using neutralizing sprays instead because some scents are offensive to others.
Some people are allergic to pets. If you can find a temporary home for them you reduce the risk of them escaping and reduce offensive smells to potential Buyers.
Do NOT smoke in your home. Everyone can smell it. Even on your porch with the door open.
Removing leaves from a table will make the room feel larger.
If you have small closets, pack up seasonal clothes and shoes and purses not used often to make it appear larger.
Your TREF Realtor will have many more tips to ensure your home shows better than the competition to secure you the best price for your home.